PowerPoint is a powerful business tool but only as long as it’s utilized to its very best advantage. Bear in mind that you’re creating slides to encourage a presentation that is spoken.”

Use Fonts

Use the identical font for your whole slide set and utilize no longer than two complementary fonts (i.e. Ariel and Arial Bold). Whatever font style you select, make certain the text could be observed at the rear of the space.

Utilize Color Nicely

A light or white background with dark or black text works best. A display picture with a dark background and light text will clean out, however dark text on a light background will keep its visual strength.


Use Bullet Points

Bullet point should not include full sentences. Use bullet points to provide key ideas.

Have A Visual Motif

Like the library of clip art available in PowerPoint, it is likely your viewer has seen each template that’s available throughout the program. Go on the internet to locate other PowerPoint designs which can be found or make your own using a very simple background and color scheme.